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DAY 11 - Let's talk about Fear

From childhood we are told to not be afraid, and this teaching can cause us to stuff, ignore or hide from the feeling of fear. As adults, fear has now grown larger and we still have not learned any healthy strategies to become intimate with our fear so that is has less control over us.

There are many reasons why fear is avoided. One reason is that fear can infiltrate our minds, and prevent rational thinking.

"Fear is a helpful informant, but a terrible master." from Why Emotions Matter.

So we need to grab the wisdom we can gain from fear showing up, without allowing our minds to be overpowered by fear.


  1. Grab a journal and trace your history with fear.

  2. Recall an experience where you felt afraid and start to explore shifting the energy of fear to excitement.

  3. Recall an experience where you felt afraid and start to explore shifting the energy of fear to anger.

  4. Share with your close friend or partner occasions where you have felt afraid, allowing yourself to speak with transparency and self-compassion.

  5. Identify a regular stressor in your life and start to formulate a plan to deal with the impact of this stressor on your emotional landscape.

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